Night of Science and Business in Freiberg

Beak provides insights into scientific research methods
25th May 2024, Freiberg (Germany)

Every two years, the city of Freiberg organises the Night of Science and Business together with the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. We are delighted to take part in this event again this year, which celebrates the natural sciences based in Freiberg and the institutions that conduct research in an interesting and self-confident manner. We hereby invite all interested parties to our exhibition on Saturday, 25th May 2024, from 4 pm at GIZEF (Am St.-Niclas-Schacht 13) Freiberg.

We will be providing insights into our day-to-day work: we will be presenting a selection of both classic and modern geoscientific and environmental research methods to the interested public; both have their place in the fulfilment of our work tasks.

In addition to a bird song walk, we offer a look through the binoculars at macrozoobenthos animals and geological impressions through VR glasses. The various functions of a drone will be presented as well as some basic geological field methods. We explain what these methods are used for and hope to sow the seeds of scientific enthusiasm among our visitors.

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