SEG 2024 Conference

Beak presents poster about EIS, DroneSOM and Nigeria
Workshop on mineral exploration mapping tools using machine learning and drone geophysics

27th – 30th September 2024, Windhoek (Namibia)
1st October 2024, Windhoek (Namibia)

From 27th until 30th November 2024, SEG 2024 Conference takes place in Windhoek (Namibia). SEG 2024 will feature invited and submitted presentations and posters that will provide updates on the latest developments in the field of economic geology and highlight the regional geology. Field trips and workshops are also being planned. SEG 2024 is organized in partnership with the Society of Economic Geologists, the Geoscience Council of Namibia, and the Geological Society of Namibia..

More information about the event can be found here:

At SEG 2024, Beak is excited to participate the poster sessions by presenting three posters for the following three abstracts:

  • DroneSOM: Mineral Exploration Mapping Tools Using Machine Learning and Drone Geophysics (P3.102)
  • EIS: Exploration Information System – Linking of mineral systems and mineral prospectivity mapping (P3.101)
  • Mapping Nigeria’s Mineral Frontier: AI-Driven Prospecting for Investment Opportunities (P4.103)

On 1st October 2024, Beak, in co-operation with the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), Radai Oy from Finland, and DTU Space from Denmark, are hosting the SEG 2024 Post-Conference Workshop W05 about “DroneSOM – Mineral Exploration Mapping Tools Using Machine Learning and Drone Geophysics”.

The workshop will showcase how drone geophysics and machine learning techniques can be effectively used for mineral predictive mapping and exploration targeting. Firstly, novel gravity and electromagnetic sensor integrations into drones will be presented with use cases and results from Europe and Africa. Secondly, a practical hands-on training for exploration geologists on machine learning techniques such as self-organizing maps and artificial neural networks applied to drone geophysics will be provided.

The workshop will provide best practices, new ideas and insights in mineral exploration, especially with regards to application of the drone-based geophysics for mineral predictive mapping.

Key workshop take-aways are:

  • How to plan and run a drone-based geophysical survey and what sensors are available
  • How to process and interpret electromagnetic and gravimetric data
  • How to run mineral predictive mapping workflow
  • How to use software for mineral predictive mapping

More information about the project and our partners can be found here:


The workshop is being conducted in the frame of the “DroneSOM” research project, co-funded by EIT Raw Materials. DroneSOM (Drone Geophysics and Self-Organizing Maps) aims to harness drones and machine learning to improve the current mineral exploration methods. By combining cutting-edge scientific research with drone industry expertise, the project partners aim to launch a comprehensive set of new machine learning tools and methodologies for commercialization in 2025.

More information about DroneSOM can be found here:

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